Eminem 2014年#Rapture演唱会澳洲站开启前..演出嘉宾名单再增变动


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Eminem 2014年#Rapture演唱会澳洲站开启前..演出嘉宾名单再增变动

Eminem 2014年#Rapture演唱会的演出嘉宾名单再添一名,澳洲著名DJ/制作人 M-Phazes将加入。

M-Phazes 将为演唱会做个DJ set开场,并且在Em出场前为J. Cole, Kendrick Lamar, Action Bronson及澳大利亚说唱歌手360歌手做DJ。

M-Phazes不是第一次为Eminem工作,他曾和制作人S1合作制作Shady去年的MMLP 2专辑第一首歌Bad Guy。

“Being a long time fan of Eminem, it’s a real honor to co-produce the opening track of his next album, and it’s incredible to know that both Rick Rubin and Dr. Dre have given my work their seal of approval!”

Eminem 2014年#Rapture演唱会澳洲站开启前..演出嘉宾名单再增变动

Eminem 的7个城市的Rapture演唱会将在这周六在新西兰启动:

Feb 15 Springs Auckland, New Zealand
Feb 19 Etihad Stadium Melbourne, Australia
Feb 20 Suncorp Stadium Brisbane, Australia
Feb 22 ANZ Stadium Sydney, Australia
Feb 26 Cape Town Stadium Cape Town, South Africa
Mar 01 Ellis Park Stadium Johannesburg, South Africa
Aug 10 Squamish Valley Music Festival Squamish, Canada

Eminem的#Rapture2014之旅即将拉开! Em给出他彩排的照片 (照片)

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