惊喜不断! Lil Wayne即将发行新专辑Tha Carter V..给粉丝们惊喜


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惊喜不断! Lil Wayne即将发行新专辑Tha Carter V..给粉丝们惊喜

惊喜不断! Lil Wayne即将发行新专辑Tha Carter V..给粉丝们惊喜.. 他不准备告诉人们何时发行,但时间已经很近了。


你要知道,艺人在没有任何宣传的情况下发行专辑是一件很困难的事情,谁都怕销量不佳! Weezy将成为第二人..对自己非常自信。

Cash Money Records的宣传部负责人Mel Smith接受采访透露:

“We’re very close to dropping the album. It’s going to be a huge surprise to everyone, it’s an incredible album… I can’t release the date because he wants to surprise people, he wants his true fan base to get excited but he’s worked extremely hard on it and you won’t be disappointed.”


“He’s one of the artists like Prince who just continues to record. He does it for the love of the art, for the record, he continues to work hard to top himself, like when he does the ‘I Am Not A Human Being’ records that he’s, which are a little more rock and roll tangent, a little more pop tangent while ‘Tha Carter V’ is a little more Lil Wayne getting it to you straight from New Orleans.”

“That’s the thing about Wayne, when we put out the last ‘Carter’, we put it out and sold almost 1,000,000 records in one week. The day we put it out, he was still in the studio recording.”

“Everybody who’s heard it feels the same way, the general excitement of something big coming. You’re just generally excited for when the world hears it.”

YMCMB在爱因斯坦的舌头上! Lil Wayne, Nicki Minaj,Tyga合作歌曲Senile 封面 (图片)

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