Eminem与好兄弟50 Cent在合约上分道扬镳..两人关系破裂? Slim Shady给出什么答案?


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Eminem与好兄弟50 Cent在合约上分道扬镳..两人关系破裂? Slim Shady给出什么答案?

Eminem失去一位大将兄弟..徒弟50 Cent离开他的Shady Records厂牌令人惋惜 (报道)

Eminem与好兄弟50 Cent在合约上分道扬镳..两人关系破裂? 你想太多了..

Slim Shady给出明确答案:

“Both myself and Shady Records are grateful to have had the chance to play a part in 50′s career. Shady simply would not be what it is without 50 Cent. I’ve developed a great friendship with 50 over the years, and that’s not going to change. We know 50 will have success in his new situation, and we remain supporters of both him and G-Unit.”

Em表示很感激.. 他和50关系很好不会改变,他会继续支持兄弟的发展。


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