Yeezus Kanye West说自己是嘻哈历史上5大说唱歌手..而这是很谦虚的说法


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Yeezus Kanye West说自己是嘻哈历史上5大说唱歌手..而这是很谦虚的说法

Yeezus Kanye West说自己是嘻哈历史上5大说唱歌手..无论过去还是现在。他认为现今有四位兄弟有和他差不多的水平。


“I am humbly top 5 of all time: dead or alive. Let me humbly show you what I’m talking about.”

Yeezy说他非常谦虚(其实他想说自己是da best)。

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之后解释为什么,认为Wayne, Eminem, Drake, Jay Z和他有同样的水平:

“When I say genius, why is that offensive? Like I hurt somebody… Rap is all geniuses. When you go to school don’t they talk about poets, like they geniuses? What y’all witnessing; Wayne, Eminem, Drake, Jay Z, right now in front of you, doing genius work. But because we’ve got gold chains and we’ve got gold teeth they don’t wanna think we’re geniuses.”

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