威尔·史密斯儿子Jaden Smith和卡戴珊妹妹Kylie Jenner也在一起..在超市 (照片)


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威尔·史密斯儿子Jaden Smith和卡戴珊妹妹Kylie Jenner也在一起..在超市 (照片)

威尔·史密斯儿子Jaden Smith和卡戴珊妹妹Kylie Jenner也在一起..在超市购物。



“I would want to go with someone who’s not afraid, or doesn’t think that he’s too cool, to show up at my house with a rose corsage. It would be nice for the guy to come over and be respectful and nice while my mom takes prom pics…’But if I couldn’t find a boyfriend, I would want to go with one of my best guy friends, like Jaden. I know I’d have fun with him – he makes me laugh and he is a great dancer.’

Will Smith儿子Jaden“护送”卡戴珊妹妹进入奔驰越野车..像个男人 (3张照片)


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