Eminem曾经为了拍摄著名电影8 Mile保释了底特律当地的Rapper让他出演电影


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Eminem曾经为了拍摄著名电影8 Mile保释了底特律当地的Rapper让他出演电影

Eminem曾经为了拍摄著名电影8 Mile, 不惜花自己的钱保释了底特律当地的Rapper让他出演电影。

这位说唱歌手名叫Gerald L. Sanders,Aka Strike。作为电影中与Eminem一起Battle的对手。他在电影中出演Lyckety-Splyt角色。


“It was funny because I was on the run from the feds at that time. When we pulled up to the [auditions], we actually thought it was the feds. At that time I was in the streets, carrying guns. My manager was like, “If they try to arrest you, I’ll shoot in the air, you run!” [Later,] Em done bailed me out on my attempted murder case. Proof went to him to get the money for that,” said Strike.


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