音乐也“快餐”..Eminem的Rap God歌词花了6分钟..而Rihanna热歌Diamonds也..


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音乐也“快餐”..Eminem的Rap God歌词花了6分钟..而Rihanna热歌Diamonds也..

音乐也“快餐” , 但大大超越快餐品质 ..Eminem的Rap God歌词花了6分钟..而Rihanna的冠军单曲Diamonds的写作也只花了超短的时间… 但它们都成为了热歌,这就是水平!

RiRi冠军单曲Diamonds的歌曲作家Sia Furler,她居然只花了14分钟时间完成。

Rap God的速度! Eminem说写Rap God歌词花了6分钟 (视频)


While at Rihanna’s studio, Furler wrote “Diamonds” in 14 minutes. “That’s insane,” says Benny Blanco, the song’s co-writer and producer. Rihanna used Furler’s demo vocal as a guide, hewing to her inflections exactly. When Blanco played Furler the finished version, she thought the vocal still belonged to her.


“We listened to it on his iPod, sitting on a sofa at ABC Carpet and Home in New York.” she says. “I literally punched him in the arm. I thought Benny was playing a trick on me. She[Rihanna] could’ve done it her own way, but I think she really genuinely liked the way it was.”

Rihanna透明性感着装在海滩抽大麻庆祝大麻日..敏感部位用大麻叶形状遮住 (照片+视频)

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