Dr. Dre耳机公司卖给苹果没有高兴太久..他被Beats的联合创始人起诉 (报道)


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Dr. Dre耳机公司卖给苹果没有高兴太久..他被Beats的联合创始人起诉 (报道)

Dr. Dre耳机公司卖给苹果变成亿万富翁没有高兴太久..他和Jimmy Iovine被Beats的联合创始人Lamar起诉。据说,他被称为Beats Headphones之父。



重磅消息! 苹果公司即将收购Dr. Dre耳机公司..32亿美元收购案..Dre目视王位 (报道)
Dr. Dre耳机公司卖给苹果公司让他成为亿万富翁..而耳机成本低得让人惊呆

The Hollywood Reporter报道:

In 2006, Lamar was president of SLS International when he says he took his concept for celebrity musical artist-endorsed headphones to Iovine, the co-founder of Interscope Records

According to his cross-complaint, he’s not only the founder of Jibe Audio, but also the founder of Beats Headphones. He’s also been called the “father of Beats headphones” by others.

“Lamar’s concept envisioned a partnership between technology that would provide a superior audio experience and an iconic product design and brand identity promoted by a well-known and respected music artist,” says Lamar’s cross-complaint. “Iovine proposed that Dre be the celebrity musical artist to endorse the headphones.”

Last Friday, former hedge-fund manager Steven Lamar fired a legal salvo aimed at Dr. Dre, Jimmy Iovine and others with claims of breach of contract and demands to be paid as much as four percent of royalties on headphone sales. Lamar’s cross-complaint comes in the midst of a dispute that popped up in Los Angeles Superior Court this past January after seven years of peace between the parties.

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