快船队老板Donald Sterling终于举白旗! 他将让老婆卖掉球队和NBA彻底说ByeBye


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快船队老板Donald Sterling终于举白旗! 他将让老婆卖掉球队和NBA彻底说ByeBye

快船队老板Donald Sterling终于举白旗! 他将让老婆帮助他和NBA彻底说ByeBye。

报道说,Donald Sterling已经同意让老婆来处理球队出售的事情。



Donald Sterling has signed the Los Angeles Clippers over to his wife Shelly, a source close to the team confirmed today to ABC News.

Shelly Sterling, who previously shared ownership of the beleaguered NBA franchise with her estranged husband, is now in talks with the NBA over selling the team, the source said.

ESPN reports that Donald has agreed to allow Shelly to negotiate the sale.

On Monday, ESPN reported that the NBA had charged Sterling with damaging the league with his racist comments and set a hearing for June 3, after which other team owners will vote to decide the future of his ownership of the Clippers.

Sterling initially planned to fight to retain ownership, but changed his mind this week, ESPN reported.

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