Eminem 退出的拳击电影Southpaw,50 Cent进入


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Eminem 退出的拳击电影Southpaw,50 Cent进入

今年3月份,Eminem之前本来要担任主演拳击电影Southpaw找到了主角和导演,好莱坞影星Jake Gyllenhaal和训练日著名导演Antoine Fuqua。

这部电影现在50 Cent计划投资发行,50是个大拳击迷,他在ESPN的First Take节目上谈到世纪拳击之战梅威瑟和帕奎奥打比赛可能性之前,提到Southpaw电影。


“Actually, I’m working on a film project right now with Antoine Fuqua and Jake Gyllenhaal, Southpaw,”


“Yeah, It’s boxing…It’s probably a high probability to look at that fight now. And what you said earlier about Cotto and Martinez, that fight. It definitely brings the excitement level back to the sport when you see that competitive type of energy…I think now it would be a good time for them to actually make that move…I mean, when you the name—Floyd Mayweather knows he’s the name. He knows that people are going out to see Floyd Mayweather fight. Whether they’re fans of his or they just can’t wait for the opportunity to see him lose.”

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