Joe Budden解释为什么在Total Slaughter Battle Rap时扔掉话筒不比了?


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Joe Budden解释为什么在Total Slaughter Battle Rap时扔掉话筒不比了?


Eminem的Slaughterhouse团体成员Joe Budden在几天前参加Total Slaughter的Battle Rap中,迎战Hollow Da Don,最后一轮因为台下出现嘘声,Joe不比了,扔掉话筒。

Joe在Angry Fans Radio采访时解释了他的行为,他认为他只是做了说唱歌手经常做的事,没人愿意在嘘声下说唱:要么停下嘘声,要么我走。这是职业素质。

It didn’t get to me mentally at all, which is the thing. In my profession, you don’t rap over boos. It’s like Rapper 101 to know that if you at a show and niggas is booing, ‘Ya’ll, go ahead and boo. I got paid already.’ I’m either gonna wait for ya’ll to stop or I’m getting the fuck outta here.


回顾:Eminem旗下成员Joe Budden参加Rap Battle现场对战..Joe到最后扔掉话筒 (完整版/47分钟视频)

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