太落魄了! 前NBA球星雷克斯-查普曼在苹果商店“顺手牵羊”被逮捕..他太需要iPhone 6了


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太落魄了! 前NBA球星雷克斯 查普曼在苹果商店“顺手牵羊”被逮捕..他太需要iPhone 6了



Former Kentucky Wildcat and NBA veteran Rex Chapman has been arrested for an alleged theft at a Scottsdale Apple Store.

Chapman, 46, was arrested on Friday at approximately 1:45 p.m. after police stopped his vehicle in northeast Scottsdale.

Police began investigating the case in August when employees reported a series of shoplifting incidents involving the same suspect over a period of a few months.

The suspect was identified by multiple employees as Rex Chapman because of his previous celebrity status as an NBA basketball player.

Police said Chapman allegedly picked up items in the store and made it appear that he was paying for them with an iPhone app through the store’s self-checkout system.

He would then leave the store without actually paying for the items. He allegedly took merchandise to a local pawn shop and sold it for cash.

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