Eminem对徒弟50 Cent来说有多么重要? 他有多“爱”Eminem你不知道..50告诉你


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Eminem对徒弟50 Cent来说有多么重要? 他有多“爱”Eminem你不知道..50告诉你

在接受XXL的最新采访中,50这次对师父Eminem给出非常感人,如亲兄弟般那样感情的评价。下面自己读读。这句经典:I love him to death!!

没有Em,哪有50 Cent如今的成就。这句话已经很谦虚了。Eminem有这样的忠心徒弟,也是自己付出的结果,得到的回报。

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“Eminem gave me the shot that I needed at a point where he was so influential that there was nobody more influential than him. I don’t have value for a lot of the relationships that I developed coming up on this journey, but Eminem is the guy. He’s the one. He’s been consistent with me the entire time and I love him to death. I’d fuck all the way up for him…”

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