为什么? 美国前总统克林顿性丑闻案女主角 莱文斯基要感谢Eminem, Lil Wayne, Beyonce..


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为什么? 美国前总统克林顿性丑闻案女主角 莱文斯基要感谢Eminem, Lil Wayne, Beyonce..

莫妮卡·莱温斯基Monica Lewinsky在90年代,因为和美国前总统克林顿之间的性丑闻而广为人知,正当她淡出公众视线时,她又通过说唱等歌词重回视野。

她在美国周一福布斯的30岁以下峰会上作为嘉宾发言时,提到要感谢Eminem, Lil Wayne, Beyonce, Nicki, Jeezy, Kid Cudi和Lil B..感谢这些说唱歌星和Beyonce在歌词里提到了她..

“Some of you might be asking, who the hell is she, this Monica? And what is she doing here? “Or maybe even, what is she doing in all of those rap lyrics? Thank you Beyoncé and Eminem, and Nicki Minaj, and Kid Cudi. Lil B and Lil Wayne. And of course G-Eazy. But let’s not forget Jeezy, and all the rest.”

没有这些明星,她知名度消逝的更快,当然还有许多说唱明星提到了莱温斯基,Jay Z, Kanye West, Nas, Big Sean…

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