多事之秋..YMCMB这次真的“出事”了..Jay Sean离开Cash Money厂牌


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多事之秋..YMCMB这次真的“出事”了..Jay Sean离开Cash Money厂牌

最近关于YMCMB的事情,有内讧的,有威胁要离开的,有大骂的…现在有离开的。Jay Sean与Cash Money厂牌分道扬镳…但与老板们关系很好。

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Sean only has kind words for his former label. “I had and still maintain a great relationship with Slim and Baby [CEOs of Cash Money],” he tells Billboard. “They believed in me and my talent and our partnership obviously garnered a lot of pop success.” But Sean wants to go in a different direction artistically. “It got to the point where I was chasing pop success and ‘the smash’ when really my heart wasn’t in it anymore,” he says. “That’s not why I got into this game.” (Cash Money is the second label that Jay Sean has left — he was on Virgin Records for a spell during the ’00s.)

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