Auto-Tune老资格T-Pain发话了, 指出Kanye West的Auto-Tune使用方法不当


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Auto Tune老资格T Pain发话了, 指出Kanye West的Auto Tune使用方法不当


T-Pain对Auto-Tune在现代音乐中使用是有贡献的,经常会看到T-Pain在不同场合采访中指出后来者用Auto-Tune时哪里不足,这次在HuffPost Live的采访中,他对Kanye使用Auto-Tune方法不当。

Kanye uses it, but he doesn’t use it correctly. He makes great music with it, but the way that I use it and the way that I’ve shown Chris [Brown] and Jamie [Foxx] to use it, he doesn’t use it that way… He sings without it first and then he puts it on after he’s done with the vocals… You don’t know how it’s going to come out. You can’t catch your mistakes before they happen. So sometimes it gets a little bit wobbly and things like that… [Kanye’s 808s & Heartbreak] was actually pretty good, but I had a lot to do with that album… 808s & Heartbreak was Rappa Ternt Sanga.

T-Pain说,Kanye使用方法和自己使用方法不一致,也和自己教Chris Brown和Jamie Foxx的方法不一样:唱的时候没有用,然后唱完了再用。


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