拳王泰森拳台上人见人怕..但他也有这段不堪回首的往事..被性虐待..在布鲁克林 (详细)


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拳王泰森拳台上人见人怕..但他也有这段不堪回首的往事..被性虐待..在布鲁克林 (详细)


这是拳台超级巨星拳王泰森Mike Tyson一段不堪回首的岁月,他本周在SiriusXM的Opie Radio电台采访时回忆,小时候在布鲁克林被一个陌生男子绑架,被性虐待。


泰森说,自己后来逃走了,之后就没有见过他, 表示这只是一次事件,他从没告诉任何人包括警察。

拳王迈克·泰森(Mike Tyson)回忆兄弟Tupac Shakur


‘He snatched me off the street,’ the boxing legend said during a visit to SiriusXM’s Opie Radio show on Wednesday.

‘I was a little kid…[he was an] old man.’

‘[He] bullied me, sexually abused me and stuff,’ said Tyson. ‘Never seen him again.’

The father-of-eight said he managed to escape, and claimed it was a one-time incident.
Tyson said he never told anyone, including the police, about the abuse.

‘I just went on with my life,’ he said.

When asked by the interviewer whether the event changed him, Tyson answered: ‘I don’t know if it did or not.’
He added: ‘I don’t always remember, but maybe I do but I don’t. I’m not ashamed or embarrassed by it.’

对于这件事对他是否产生影响,泰森说自己也不知道,但自己没有因这件事感到过羞辱。他说,他继续了他的生活。Life Goes On..

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