“枪手”可以有多么老? 94岁的高龄老人持枪但没有被逮捕..而且枪处于可怕的状态


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“枪手”可以有多么老? 94岁的高龄老人持枪但没有被逮捕..而且枪处于可怕的状态


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PIX 11:

94-year-old Perry Berger tried to pass through a checkpoint body scanner with a .38 caliber handgun in a holster clipped to the back of his belt, according to the TSA.

The gun was fully-loaded according to officials.

Berger, who was using a wheelchair, has a full-carry permit for the gun and was not arrested, sources told PIX11.

He did, however, miss his flight and was placed on a later one.

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