英年早逝..真人秀Real World节目明星Ryan Knight去世..才29岁..R.I.P


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英年早逝..真人秀Real World节目明星Ryan Knight去世..才29岁..R.I.P

据报道,29岁的Ryan Knight在美国时间星期四早上被发现已经离开人世,据说他服用过一些药丸,他在呕吐的过程中被噎住了…R.I.P.


Ryan Knight — a castmate on the 2010 “Real World New Orleans” — has died and close friends tell TMZ it was on the heels of a night of partying.

Several of Ryan’s friends tell TMZ … he was out partying Wednesday night with a bunch of people and ended up at a friend’s house. We’re told a friend found him dead Thursday morning. The friend said he had choked on his own vomit.

Ryan was 29.

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