糟糕!! 卡戴珊被报道很难再怀孕..据说她花了将近1年时间还是没有成功..Kanye该急坏了 (照片)


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糟糕!! 卡戴珊被报道很难再怀孕..据说她花了将近1年时间还是没有成功..Kanye该急坏了 (照片)


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Kim Kardashian is upset for a very good reason … as hard as she’s been trying, she can’t get pregnant.

Kim has been very open with friends and family … she and Kanye have been trying to have another baby for the last 9 months but nothing has worked. Kim has been to fertility doctors, but they’ve made it clear … having another baby is a long shot.

Kim and Kanye assumed the second baby would be easier since it worked once, but the doctors are telling her that’s not the case.

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