第一弹后有更大的弹..Kanye West和披头士传奇主唱Paul McCartney还有一位超级巨星要再合作一首歌..你想不到!


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第一弹后有更大的弹..Kanye West和披头士传奇主唱Paul McCartney还有一位超级巨星要再合作一首歌..你想不到!


前几天Kanye West和披头士传奇主唱Paul McCartney合作歌曲Only One拉开2015年序幕,但这仅仅是开始。这首歌曲的另外一位参与者Wiz Khalifa的旗下制作人Ty Dolla Sign,他向Billboard透露除了这首歌曲外,还有一首歌曲,也是他和Kanye,Paul合作,另外还有超级巨星Rihanna加入。

What can you tell me about the other songs you worked on with ‘Ye?
Me, Rihanna, ‘Ye and Paul [Mc Cartney] got a song about to drop as well…

新年第一弹! Kanye West与披头士乐队的传奇Paul McCartney合作新歌Only One..Yeezus在唱不是说 (MP3/iTunes)

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这首歌曲将出现在 Kanye的新专辑里,MV已经拍摄,名字还未确认:

It’s featured on ‘Ye’s album?
Yeah. It’s gonna drop soon. I heard they shot the video recently. I don’t know what the final title is, but I know it’s crazy so just be looking out for [it].


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