震惊!! 伦理不要了..说唱歌手Kevin Gates宣布他和Cousin发生性关系而且没有打算停止..疯了


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震惊!! 伦理不要了..说唱歌手Kevin Gates宣布他和Cousin发生性关系而且没有打算停止..疯了


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Kevin Gates wants you to know he’s having sex with his cousin, and he’s not going to stop.

In a series of profanity-laced video posts to Instagram, the New Orleans rapper said he and his current girlfriend of three months had often been told they look like brother and sister but he hadn’t thought anything of it until his grandma told him they were related.

But, even still, he’s not going to give up on this girl.

He says the sex is good, “we click,” and they didn’t grow up together or anything, so they don’t know each other like that.

“Y’all done got the hard part out of the way,” he says. “Why fuck up a good thing?”

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