Kendrick Lamar登上Billboard杂志封面..K.Dot谈到他的女朋友Whitney Alford (女友照片)


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Kendrick Lamar登上Billboard杂志封面..K.Dot谈到他的女朋友Whitney Alford (女友照片)


全世界都在关注Kendrick Lamar的第二张专辑,按Billboard的话说,K.Dot的下一步你想不到。

他登上了Billboard杂志最新一期封面,在封面故事里他为Iggy Azalea辩护,他谈到The Colbert Report上表演新歌,还有谈到他的女友和他的内向。

更新一:他谈到Taylor Swift对Backseat Freestyle的喜欢和Drake,给Drake很高的评价:

On Taylor Swift: “I thought she just liked the song. That’s a beautiful thing, Taylor Swift enjoying that song and knowing the words.”

On Drake: “Drake is definitely a great artist in this world … I’m a great artist in my world.”


On the untitled song he performed on the Colbert Report:

“I just like the energy” of the song, says Lamar. “I didn’t go on there to sell a single. I just did what I felt.” Such is the prerogative of Kendrick Lamar, widely hailed as hip-hop’s savior in a period when few rappers seem committed to art for art’s sake. While image-conscious leading MCs like Drake and Nicki Minaj competitively hone their craft and tally hits, Lamar seems intent on transcending what he calls the “sport” of rap: “I pride myself on writing now rather than rapping,” he says. “My passion is bringing storylines around and constructing a full body of work, rather than just a 16-bar verse.”

On being an introvert and his girlfriend:

“I’ve been called a recluse,” he concedes. “There’s definitely truth in that. I like to spend time alone.” He rarely is seen in the clubs, he doesn’t drink a lot or smoke weed, and he has been with his girlfriend, Whitney Alford, since they were both in high school. (She’s also in her late 20s.) She has been spotted with Lamar at the Grammys and in South Africa, and is so at ease sassing him that she joked about him being “cheap” in front of a New York Times reporter. “I wouldn’t even call her my girl,” he says. “That’s my best friend. I don’t even like the term that society has put in the world as far as being a companion — she’s somebody I can tell my fears to.”

K.Dot和他女友Whitney Alford在高中就开始交往,关系很亲密,K.Dot说她是他会把自己的心事告诉她的那种人:她是我最好的朋友。

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