一石激起千层浪..Kendrick Lamar最新“白人警察枪杀黑人”言论迎来黑人同胞的疯狂抵制和愤怒
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Kendrick Lamar在Billboard采访上对关于弗格森市白人警察枪杀黑人青年Mike Brown的想法引起了黑人同胞们的不满和愤怒。
Kendrick Lamar登上Billboard杂志封面..K.Dot谈到他的女朋友Whitney Alford (女友照片)
“I wish somebody would look in our neighborhood knowing that it’s already a situation, mentally, where it’s f—ked up. What happened to [Michael Brown] should’ve never happened. Never. But when we don’t have respect for ourselves, how do we expect them to respect us? It starts from within. Don’t start with just a rally, don’t start from looting — it starts from within.”
K.Dot从另外的角度,没有从种族的角度去看问题引来了黑人同胞的狂轰乱炸,事件中又发现熟悉的身影: Azealia Banks,她之前Diss过Eminem, Diss过Iggy Azalea,T.I.,这次她认为K.Dot的言论是她听过最傻的。(有个细节,K.Dot采访中也替Banks的敌人Iggy Azalea辩护)
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“When we don’t respect ourselves how can we expect them to respect us” dumbest shit I’ve ever heard a black man say.
Lol do you know about the generational effects of poverty, racism and discrimination?— AZEALIA BANKS (@AZEALIABANKS) January 9, 2015
There are things in society that benefit a select few of us. fine…. But don’t put down the rest by saying they don’t respect themselves— AZEALIA BANKS (@AZEALIABANKS) January 9, 2015
HOW DARE YOU open ur face to a white publication and tell them that we don’t respect ourselves…. Speak for your fucking self.— AZEALIA BANKS (@AZEALIABANKS) January 9, 2015
I really pray for the minds of the urban youth, I really do because I was once on the side of feeling like I wasn’t owed anything…— AZEALIA BANKS (@AZEALIABANKS) January 9, 2015
Once on the side of feeling like black people ain’t shit because that’s what America and my social studies textbooks taught me— AZEALIA BANKS (@AZEALIABANKS) January 9, 2015
Becoming an adult and doing my own research has REALLY opened up my fucking eyes, and I get upset to know that…..— AZEALIA BANKS (@AZEALIABANKS) January 9, 2015
There are still young black kids in our public schools being indoctrinated with the same shit they pumped into my head.— AZEALIA BANKS (@AZEALIABANKS) January 9, 2015
And fuck all this shit about erasing racial barriers and getting along… Why does white America think blacks even wanna be here?!— AZEALIA BANKS (@AZEALIABANKS) January 9, 2015
I really just want my fucking reparations, and want you guys to stop killing my sons and telling my daughters they’re ugly.— AZEALIA BANKS (@AZEALIABANKS) January 9, 2015
You can hate me and call my nigger all you want, because chances are I probably think you are a cracker too.— AZEALIA BANKS (@AZEALIABANKS) January 9, 2015
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