死亡如此接近!! Chris Brown音乐会现场传出数次可怕的枪声..还好Breezy没事但多人受伤 (3张照片/更新视频)


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死亡如此接近!! Chris Brown音乐会现场传出数次可怕的枪声..还好Breezy没事但多人受伤 (3张照片/更新视频)


更新视频:可以看见Chris Brown吓坏了,保镖也受惊吓…但保镖很有职业素养迅速保护了他护送出去。现场一片狼藉。凶手必须受到法律制裁。


好消息是Breezy没事,但有5个人受伤。当枪声响起的时候,包括Chris在内的所有人都非常慌张。气氛很恐怖…一定要注意安全! 有几个人被拘留。

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Chris Brown was onstage at a San Jose nightclub early Sunday morning when gunshots rang out, wounding 5 people … and it was all caught on video.

Brown was singing at 1:20 AM and the crowd seemed peaceful … then, suddenly, gunshots ring out, sending everyone including Chris into panic.

Four people were rushed to the hospital and one victim left and showed up at the ER later.

Several people were detained but it’s unclear if anyone was arrested.

Brown was not injured.

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