美国媒体Complex这样报道香港男子用身体捆绑94部iPhone走私入境被海关查获 (4张照片)


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美国媒体Complex这样报道香港男子用身体捆绑94部iPhone走私入境被海关查获 (4张照片)



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If You Must Smuggle iPhones, Try Not to Make It Look Like a Bomb Suit

上一篇: 美国媒体Complex这样报道成龙儿子房祖名因为抽大麻被判入狱6个月..有一个地方挺有意思的


Is that Robocop? No, it must be a guy in a poorly-constructed Tin Man costume from The Wizard of Oz, right? No? Is it a dude with a huge bomb strapped to him?

The answer is none of the above. This man is actually a Hong Kong citizen who attempted to enter China with 94 stolen iPhone 6s attached to his body. He was rather conspicuous, however, due to what officials said was “weird walking posture, joint stiffness, and muscle tension.”

The Apple codpiece. China customs police catch Hong Kong man with 94 iPhones strapped to body. http://t.co/gM76FwrWUN pic.twitter.com/en9nl3R1Cf

— Chris Buckley 储百亮 (@ChuBailiang) January 12, 2015

While this particular gentleman is likely headed to jail, wealthy men across the world may still benefit from his innovation of “iPhone protective cup.”

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