战斗胜利..Iggy Azalea与前男友的恩怨在这件事情上有了结果..她赢了


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战斗胜利..Iggy Azalea与前男友的恩怨在这件事情上有了结果..她赢了

Iggy的前男友Hefe试图销售从她电脑上偷来的音乐,现在法官宣判他没有权利销售这些非法得来的音乐…在这件事情上,Iggy赢了, 大胜!

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Iggy Azalea’s ex-boyfriend/producer jacked a bunch of songs from her that are the exact opposite of fancy — in fact, they’re unfinished crap according to Iggy … and a judge just agreed with her.

According to legal docs … a federal judge in L.A. agreed on Monday, and issued a preliminary injunction to block Hefe from selling the recordings, and using Iggy’s name to promote them. The judge actually watched “Inizio” music videos and compared them to I-G-G-Y’s hits before making her ruling.

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