彻底结束了! Nick Cannon正式提起离婚诉讼..与巨星老婆Mariah Carey结束婚姻关系


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彻底结束了! Nick Cannon正式提起离婚诉讼..与巨星老婆Mariah Carey结束婚姻关系

Cannon静悄悄地提起了离婚诉讼,在去年12月12日。今日才被曝光,看来他和巨星老婆Mariah Carey的婚姻彻底结束。可惜了!

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Nick Cannon beat Mariah Carey to the courthouse … we’ve learned he has quietly filed for divorce.

The timing is interesting. We found out Nick filed papers December 12. The date is relevant because on December 2, Mariah showed up 3 hours late to tape a segment for the NBC tree-lighting special.

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