A$AP Mob团体创建者A$AP Yams的死因是这个??? 成员A$AP Ant迅速跳出来阻止谣言扩散


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A$AP Mob团体创建者A$AP Yams的死因是这个??? 成员A$AP Ant迅速跳出来阻止谣言扩散

据流传,Yams的死可能是服用过量的可待因咳嗽药水..成员A$AP Ant马上接受采访否认了这一传闻, 多次否定。到目前为止,还没有官方的死亡报告。

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“I just wanted to clear it up for real for real,” he explained. ” It ain’t no overdose. That’s not what it is.” “People keep talking saying he overdosed on Xanax and sh*t like that. No, that’s not what happened at all. I don’t want to speak on it and I’ll let people find out by themselves but it wasn’t that at all.”

上一篇:震惊!!! A$AP Mob团体创建者A$AP Yams英年早逝..才26岁..R.I.P

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