面对那么多Haters..Iggy Azalea告诉你她这样解压..这并不简单


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面对那么多Haters..Iggy Azalea告诉你她这样解压..这并不简单


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GQ Magazine:

“Uh, awards season helps. Anytime where people get to choose who they want to have a voice and they choose me, I just think that makes it worth it. And that gives me the patience to just bite my tongue. When people choose me as the person they think should be speaking for them, I think, Well, I don’t really care what someone in the industry or another artist has to say about it.”

上一篇:出轨?!! 湖人球星尼克杨被拍到与两位性感美女暧昧搂着腰..用女友Iggy Azalea送的车深夜带走她们 (照片)

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