Chris Brown重新点燃与Drake的Beef后..好兄弟Big Sean的反应可能与你有些不同


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Chris Brown重新点燃与Drake的Beef后..好兄弟Big Sean的反应可能与你有些不同

Big Sean认为他们的确存在问题,但他认为他们应该可以自己解决矛盾…其实,Breezy和Drizzy去年已经和解。近日又点燃再到熄灭也只是时间问题。

上一篇:攻击了加拿大巨星Drake后..Chris Brown被加拿大政府“拒之门外”无法入境


“I feel like I’m pretty cool with damn near everybody. I let grown men be grown men. They got issues to work out, they’re going to work it out. Clearly, we see that with Chris and Drake. They worked it out on their own. You got to let people handle their own business.”

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