不要让别人会毁掉你! Iggy Azalea承认推特让她差点变成这样的”坏人“ .. 还好她离开了


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不要让别人会毁掉你! Iggy Azalea承认推特让她差点变成这样的”坏人“ .. 还好她离开了


“Of course I am, anybody’s happy when they’re not being verbally abused,” Iggy said when asked if she’s happy to no longer be running her Twitter account. “I think it’s pretty safe to say, it’s way better. … I think it’s dangerous to have that negative Internet culture and it isn’t all [dangerous] but I think it is dangerous especially when you’re someone who has to create things – I’m in the middle of recording a second album and I really don’t want to have like some angry, aggressive album. Every time I’m in the studio I just feel like I want to punch everybody in the face – I really [needed] to get off the Internet. … It makes me hate people – I love people.”

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