惊喜!! Chris Brown做爸爸了..孩子的母亲是前模特Nia..他们不是情侣关系 (照片)


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惊喜!! Chris Brown做爸爸了..孩子的母亲是前模特Nia..他们不是情侣关系 (照片)

惊喜!! Breezy没有结婚就做爸爸了。孩子的母亲是前模特Nia,女孩9个月大。据报道Chris非常高兴成为爸爸,试想Karrueche情何以堪? 恭喜他!!



Chris Brown is the proud father of a 9-month-old baby girl … TMZ has learned.

The baby’s mother is a 31-year-old former model named Nia — who we’re told has known Chris for several years.
Sources connected to both Nia and Chris tell us they are on very good terms — however they’re not together romantically. We’re told 25-year-old Chris is happy about being a father.

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