闹大了! Chris Brown对孩子她妈泄漏“机密”很不满..采取行动“教训”她


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闹大了! Chris Brown对孩子她妈泄漏“机密”很不满..采取行动“教训”她



Sources connected with Brown tell TMZ … the singer didn’t know he was the father of 9-month-old Royalty until last month, when Nia Guzman dropped the news. We’re told Chris quickly made a deal with her where he would pay monthly child support.

We know Chris now believes Nia has been leaking stories and talking about their relationship. As a result, our sources say his lawyers are now preparing legal docs, in which he will ask a judge for an order requiring him to pay child support. It sounds strange, but he’ll pay less than he does now.

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