好姐妹! Amber Rose发飙爆粗口骂八卦网站..替好闺蜜/Tyga前任Blac Chyna打抱不平..和裸露有关的事情 (照片)


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好姐妹! Amber Rose发飙爆粗口骂八卦网站..替好闺蜜/Tyga前任Blac Chyna打抱不平..和裸露有关的事情 (照片)


Chyna, a mom can wear whatever the fuck she wants. We are moms 24/7/365 even if we’re at the club having a good time or when we wanna dress sexy ( She’s not even topless) Lol and Guess what we are still moms for the rest of our lives and we love our children more than anything in this world but moms are also sexual beings too duh how do u think u got here? I’ll wait. Anyway shout out to my sis @blacchyna for being a MILF, Living Life to the fullest, being a young entrepreneur and not conforming to Societies Double Standards #AmberRosesSlutWalk P.S if u really want to try to insult someone please be able to spell “The” as seen in the pic. Thx – Muva

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