匪帮风格! 南岸之王T.I.准备以Gangsta回归..他宣布新专辑名称为Traps Open


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匪帮风格! 南岸之王T.I.准备以Gangsta回归..他宣布新专辑名称为Traps Open

南岸之王T.I.把新专辑定义成匪帮风格。看起来这将是Tip非常“硬”的一年。很让人期待! Traps Open是新专辑名称。

“Paperwork, it’s a trilogy. So the first installment, The Motion Picture, it was supposed to be cinematic. It was supposed to be nostalgic, it was supposed to kind of give, an application of, how can I say, the sounds of yesteryear mixed with the hip-hop of today. This next one is going to be unapologetically gangsta, it’s just straight trap music and it’s called Traps Open. [Any features?] Nah, not yet.”

T.I. 南岸之王 T恤 – 购买

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