很Real! Iggy Azalea自己透露做了隆胸手术后..解释为什么要曝光自己的秘密


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很Real! Iggy Azalea自己透露做了隆胸手术后..解释为什么要曝光自己的秘密


上一篇:A$AP Rocky毫不客气地批评了前女友Iggy Azalea的Hater们..替前任站台

E! Online:

“I love them so much I had to talk about them,” Iggy told me on the red carpet Sunday afternoon at the 2015 iHeartRadio Music Awards. “Everybody did say, ‘I don’t think you need to say it because no one will ever know because they’re so small.’ I said, ‘I know but I’m just going to say it [because] I’m a blabber mouth!’ I’d feel better not to have some secret. It’s much freer to say it and then you don’t have to worry someone will dig it up.”

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