太伤! 世纪大战临近..拳王梅威瑟不打算去Jay Z的Party..而是..


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太伤! 世纪大战临近..拳王梅威瑟不打算去Jay Z的Party..而是..

梅威瑟说自己不会去参加拳赛后Jay Z等巨星即将要举办的大型party。他想要回家和家人聚聚。这个公开表态刺痛Hov,Breezy, Nicki等人的心。

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He can DEFINITELY afford tickets, but Floyd Mayweather says he WON’T be hitting up Jay Z’s post-fight mega-party in Vegas — there’s another place he’s already committed to be. … when we pointed out all of the post-fight party options … Chris Brown, Nicki Minaj, Snoop, Jay, etc. “I’m gonna be at home with my family,” Floyd told a cameraman when asked where he would party following his May 2 fight. “Every fight is important to me.”

上一篇:设备忘录吧!! 拳王梅威瑟和帕奎奥拳赛世纪对决时间敲定..合同已签..双方奖金曝光 (合同照片)

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