水深火热..Chris Brown上诉..要夺回女儿Royalty的法律父亲身份..来对战孩子她妈
当初生出Chris Brown女儿Royalty的时候,孩子妈妈是有男友的,于是错误地把男友的名字写在女儿Royalty父亲关系证明里面。也就是,在法律意义上,Breezy不是Royalty的父亲。
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We’ve learned Chris just filed legal docs in Houston to establish paternity. That will give him the right to fight Nia over support and custody.
Chis has been paying Nia what he believes is a fair amount — she claims he’s been paying $2,500 a month. He wants a judge to set the figure, which he’s confident will be closer to his number than hers.
Chris also wants a judge to establish clear custody guidelines. He says Nia has been denying him the right to see his daughter, so he wants a judge to set her straight.
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