悲剧! 说唱先锋Busta Rhymes被捕坐牢..在中国发生这种事情基本没事
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据报道,Busta在健身房里和某人发生了争吵后,向那个人砸过去一瓶饮料, 不清楚他有没有受伤..结果Busta就被逮捕送进监狱。要是在中国发生这种事情基本没事,生错地方了。
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Busta Rhymes is in a NYC jail after allegedly throwing a Muscle Milk at someone in a gym.
The rapper was working out at Steel Gym when he began arguing with another guy. Busta allegedly threw the container of the power drink, striking the man. It’s unclear if he was injured.
Busta was arrested for second degree assault.
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