紧急修复关系! 南岸之王T.I.暗示与女徒弟Iggy Azalea可能分裂后迅速挽救局面
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Tip近日在接受采访时暗示他和女徒弟Iggy Azalea可能分道扬镳。Iggy第一时间就出来评论说,他们还有合作关系。这之后,网络上的讨论沸沸扬扬。
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“That’s still my partner,” T.I. said of Azalea, known for her hit song “Fancy.” ”Her life has taken her in a different direction. My life is still as it was before. But Iggy is doing what she feels makes Iggy happy. That’s what she should do. We’re focused on making the next Iggy record and dodge the same adversities we faced last time.”
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