牛逼的Kendrick Lamar当然也有自己喜欢的嘻哈歌手..今年谁最让他印象深刻?
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Kendrick Lamar在新的采访中透露,Future非常牛逼,他今年最喜欢他的音乐。
“Of course Future killed it. He smashed. Drake smashed. Future’s work ethic was crazy, his energy. This is the thing about hip-hop music and where people get it most misconstrued: It’s all hip-hop. You can’t say that just what I do is hip-hop, because hip-hop is all energies. James Brown can get on the track and mumble all day. But guess what: You felt his soul on those records.”
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谈论总统奥巴马把他的歌曲“How Much a Dollar Cost”作为他今年的最爱歌曲时,他觉得crazy。这首歌曲也是他自己最喜欢的歌曲之一。
“I found out when everyone else found out. It’s crazy. That’s one of my favorite records, too. A lot of times we forget that people in higher places are human. To hear that he liked the same kick drums and the same snares that I like, it just makes him that much more relatable as a person, rather than just a president.”
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