这下尴尬了!!Rick Ross的这位徒弟用假钞消费被抓起来了.. (监狱大头照)


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这下尴尬了!!Rick Ross的这位徒弟用假钞消费被抓起来了.. (监狱大头照)



Rick Ross的徒弟Fat Trel就碰到了尴尬的事,复活节周末他去赌场娱乐消费,结果付了9张50美元面额的假钞,被赌场经理给抓住了,当场报警。Fat Trel坚持说,他是无辜的,都怪7-11的超市,假钞是从那里的ATM吐出来的,跟他没有半毛钱关系。

According to the police report … Trel, who’s signed to Rick’s Maybach Music Group, was at a Maryland casino early Easter Sunday morning when he handed over nine fake $50 bills to a pit boss. Cops say the easy tell was matching serial numbers on 8 of the 9 bills. Fat Trel insists he’s innocent … telling police he got the money from a 7-Eleven ATM in D.C.

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这下尴尬了!!Rick Ross的这位徒弟用假钞消费被抓起来了.. (监狱大头照)

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