最后的警告..Justin Bieber喜欢和危险的大猫合影的好日子没有了 (照片)


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最后的警告..Justin Bieber喜欢和危险的大猫合影的好日子没有了 (照片)

加拿大当局已经发出警告,Justin Bieber想要在多伦多境内与狮子,老虎合影就会产生问题了。

Toronto Animal Service说他们收到了投诉,因为他发布了与白狮子的合影。



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In a letter — obtained by TMZ — the Toronto Animal Service informed Bieber they’d received complaints of him posing with a white lion cub backstage at a show in May and with a tiger at his dad’s engagement party in April.

The TAS let Bieber know it’s illegal to have any type of exotic cat within city limits … and issued a stern warning for any future visits. They say taking pics with the animals is enough to have them seized.

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最后的警告..Justin Bieber喜欢和危险的大猫合影的好日子没有了 (照片)

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