凌乱了..疯了的Rob卡戴珊声称T.I.和太太Tiny与Blac Chyna玩Threesome..同时放出孩子他妈Chyna衣果照报复 (图片)
Kim弟弟Rob卡戴珊今天失控了,他在IG上疯狂放出孩子他妈Blac Chyna的衣果照报复她,他们俩彻底结束。据报道,Chyna已经和别的说唱歌手在一起导致他失控。
“Why bring ya business to IG tho?” he asked. “Look, You got worked bro….but at least keep it to yourself, you letting the world know you a duck. I mean a BIG DUCK, a mighty duck, Ronald McDonald the Duck, Scrooge McDuck, Howard the Duck, Huey Dewy & Lewie…Save the #DuckTales Just hold this L, kiss ya kid & cut ya losses& move on… u got no moves bro.”
结果被Rob顶了回去,声称T.I.与太太Tiny付钱给Blac Chyna玩Threesome:
“Since TI wanna chime in on business that don’t concern him let’s talk about the threesome you had with Chyna and your baby mama Tiny. Don’t speak on my daughter when u having threesomes with young Chy and Tiny ::: and I put that on my daughters life since u wanna speak on my daughter,,, damn shame. Chyna told me everything about your threesomes with you and her and Tiny. U got no moves bro ;;; Correction ::: TI paid Chyna to have sex with Tiny and him.”
狗哥Snoop Dogg也看不下去出来建议Rob:
“That’s they business. He knew what he what he was getting into when he got her. She is what she is. She was what she was. Quit crying to the Internet, ni**a. You got more money to burn. Go buy you another. Blac Chyna just did what she was supposed to do. She saw a sucker and she licked it. For all you suckers out there, don’t get licked. Do the licking, you bitch you.”
他冲动放出不该放的照片,结果Instagram帐号被母公司Facebook关停shut down。然而作为卡戴珊家族中坚力量的唯一男性,他有资本挥霍家族给他带来的数不完的资本。
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