如果好兄弟Chris Cornell没自杀..林肯公园主唱Chester Bennington应该就不会死..原因看了吓一跳 (详细)


如果好兄弟Chris Cornell没自杀..林肯公园主唱Chester Bennington应该就不会死..原因看了吓一跳 (详细)

Chester的上吊自杀到现在还没有让人缓过神来,看了最新报道,吓了一跳。因为他的自杀手法与好兄弟/声音花园乐队主唱Chris Cornell一模一样,也就是说他无法从兄弟的死解脱出来,在Cornell生日这天Chester学习了所有的手法离开这个世界。

太可惜了,可以说Chris Cornell不自杀的话,Chester可能就不会死。但这就是人生,他选择离开一定是痛苦大于活着的。


When my time comes
Forget the wrong that I’ve done
Help me leave behind some
Reasons to be missed

And don’t resent me
And when you’re feeling empty
Keep me in your memory
Leave out all the rest
Leave out all the rest

… 心都碎了 …


Chester Bennington may have mimicked the suicide of his close friend, Chris Cornell, because they died in virtually identical ways.


Law enforcement sources tell us, the Linkin Park singer was found hanging from a door separating his bedroom from his closet. TMZ broke the story, Chris Cornell died hanging from a hotel door separating the bedroom from the bathroom.


We’re also told Chester was found with a belt around his neck. Chris was found with an exercise band around his neck.


Our sources say there was a partially empty bottle of alcohol in the room where Chester died, but no evidence of drugs.


And we’re told Chester did not leave a suicide note in the room. Neither did Chris.

在Chris Cornell生日这天结束生命:

TMZ broke the story … Chester killed himself on Thursday, which would have been Chris Cornell’s 53rd birthday.

另外好兄弟/乐队成员/DJ玩家Joe Hahn抵达了Chester Bennington的家中,下面是照片。当然还有歌迷前来献花的。

如果好兄弟Chris Cornell没自杀..林肯公园主唱Chester Bennington应该就不会死..原因看了吓一跳 (详细)

如果好兄弟Chris Cornell没自杀..林肯公园主唱Chester Bennington应该就不会死..原因看了吓一跳 (详细)

让乐队成员震惊的是,在自杀的几个小时后,其实是安排好了进行photo shoot的,但是Chester选择在好兄弟生日这天自杀显然是自己有意安排的,他很清醒也很痛苦。Linkin Park在他的尸体被发现的几分钟后的9:01 AM(时间点几乎吻合)碰巧放出了新MV – “Talking To Myself”,这MV理论上成了Chester的最后一部MV。

珍惜吧,下面是Talking To Myself MV

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