2017-12-20最新 Eminem x The Real Slim Shady高端卫衣上架 购买
更新2:好吧,都被骗了..搞得Eminem的发言人都出来澄清他用Tinder找女朋友或用Grindr找男人都是”玩笑“。不过约会和去成人夜店的事情没有被否认: “I’m confirming that he was joking about using both Tinder and Grindr.” 阅读Shady的文字需要更高的智商,原谅脑力不够。
更新更正:Grindr是男同性恋约会软件,大家在说Eminem”通吃“,这是不对的。用Tinder约会女孩是认真的说的过去,但是用Grindr找男人明显是Marshall开的玩笑,他一直喜欢开玩笑,为什么还有人相信? Shady那年客串《刺杀金正恩》电影称自己是”gay“,那时候有很多人居然还会相信,那是电影啊,伙计…
Rap God Eminem最新采访谈到谈恋爱的事情,发现Marshall的感情路很坎坷..Em说自己离婚之后有过几次约会不过都不成功,所以不想公开恋情。他是通过Tinder和Grindr来约会女孩。另外Em还曾经去过成人夜店会见一些chick…你无法想象这样的一位超级巨星还要通过平民约会软件找另一半..也许Marshall只想过平常人的生活,他说去夜店的那段时间是很有意思的。巨星的生活也不容易。
Do you date?
Em:It’s tough. Since my divorce I’ve had a few dates and nothing’s panned out in a way that I wanted to make it public. Dating’s just not where I’m at lately.
When you were dating, how’d you meet people? Tinder?
Em:I mean, yeah.
Are you being serious?
Em:Yeah, Tinder.
Em:[Laughs] And Grindr. I also used to go to strip clubs.
I think a lot of long-term relationships start in strip clubs.
Em:What can I say? Going to strip clubs is how I was meeting some chicks. It was an interesting time for me.
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