大佬中的大佬JAY-Z告诉你为什么他的好兄弟Eminem和Snoop Dogg如此受人爱戴
2018-04-03嘻哈教父Hov提到Snoop拥有“悦耳”的嗓音,因此他几乎可以驾驭任何言语。特别是那句“ One-two-three and to the four”。没错,每次听到这里,不知道哪里冒出来了异常舒畅的心情。还有就是Rap God Eminem展现抑扬顿挫的跳动的节奏感技能是非常华丽的。从技术的角度来说,我想说Slim Shady的flow是无人能敌的。我无需作任何反驳。
You can have a great voice, and you can just almost say anything. I think Snoop Dogg has a great voice, like he can say ‘One-two-three and to the four,’ and it’s like ‘Oh my god.’ It just sounds good, right? Or you could be someone like Eminem and just have amazing cadence… It’s percussion inside the music. There’s multiple ways to be really good. Some people just have it all.
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