NBA和嘻哈分不开..说唱歌手D. Wade韦德加入Rick Ross的新歌
NBA和嘻哈分不开..说唱歌手D. Wade,球星韦德客串Rick Ross的新歌Season Ticket Holder,两个迈阿密的标杆人物致敬迈阿密这座城市..
D. Wade, 韦德的说唱艺名。
韦德说, 说唱是我之前从来没有做过的,但为了迈阿密我做了。 对我而言,进入录音室我很荣幸,说说笑笑,但真的为了这座城市,为了这个文化。
“I’m doing something I’ve never done before, but doing it for the city of Miami,” For me, it’s just an honor to be in the studio messing around, joking around, having fun, but really it’s for the city, for the culture.”
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