Nicki Minaj赢得Billboard Rising Star Of 2011大奖激动落泪,感谢Taylor Swift (视频)


Young Money的第一女明星Nicki Minaj近日赢得了Billboard的Rising Star Of 2011大奖,在台上演讲的时候她激动落泪,在接受采访的时候她感谢了在台下坐着的Taylor Swift。


“First I saw a radio interview and they asked her what song she liked and she said, ‘Can it be a song that didn’t come out yet’ and she started rapping Super Bass. Then she tweeted that she liked ‘Super Bass’ and then all of her fans who had never heard about Nicki Minaj went and purchased it. After Taylor tweeted that, ‘Super Bass’ climbed up 80 something spots the same day on iTunes. And that is why people don’t understand why I keep on thanking Taylor Swift. This is real.”

Taylor Swift翻唱Nicki的热歌Super Bass视频:进入


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